Wednesday, November 15, 2006

the ballad of lovegun

The world was introduced to lovegun at 4:12a. Lovegun isn't just looking for one woman, he seeks/needs two at once. Why, you ask?

Well, he was born with a terrible afflication called bigcock[whiteman]. Symptoms presumably include pale skin, enlarged genitalia. It was first discovered by a computer programmer, which is why it is named in the handler[parameter] syntax.

Anyway, said genitalia "needs home everynight" and I presume that home = vagina and that everynight=4:12a. Seriously, though, if lovegun knew a home was needed every night, he should have begun his search long before 4:12a. But then again "never end for him," which I think means that life is hard and that we should cut him some slack/vagina. After all, "maybe he is young thats way". He's 27, which isn't super young, but he is young in thats way, (or perhaps thats way young or something, i don't know), and as such is foolish and is in need for time and wisdom before lovegun can settle down.

Lovegun then presents a message to not just to you, but to all ladies: damnit, lovegun is proud of his genitalia! It may not be rich or president or drive a fancy car or be a movie star or circumcized, but you know what? It's a really good worker. I mean, not great. But really good. And in America, that should be what's truly the measure of a man/manhood, no?

At the end of the ballad comes a plea to "award" this "man of man and real hero." I know I'll award lovegun by saving a place in my heart for him forever. Because of America's firefighters and brave soldiers overseas and poorly paid school teachers and dedicated doctors all stealing the spotlight (undeservedly if you ask me!), it's about time that we remember who the real hero is.

And if it's not some random dude from the internet's penis, then honestly, what is heroism anyway?

lovegun is here - m4ww - 27 (Upper West Side)

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Date: 2006-11-15, 4:12AM EST

i dont know how to handle myself please i need some women help me. i born with bigcock[whiteman]so he needs home everynight and day never end for him maybe he is young thats way but onething i want to say to you all ladies really i am proud of him he is really good worker he goes from 40 minutes to hours please award, this man of man and real hero.

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