Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Existential = Weird * Stupid


The author of this ad conflates the following two concepts:
  1. Existentialism: the tension between the individual and the "public"; an emphasis on the worldly or "situated" character of human thought and reason; a fascination with liminal experiences of anxiety, death, the "nothing" and nihilism; the rejection of science (and above all, causal explanation) as an adequate framework for understanding human being; and the introduction of "authenticity" as the norm of self-identity, tied to the project of self-definition through freedom, choice, and commitment
  2. Having a drink with a total stranger in complete silence, somehow signaling to him for no reason at all in mime-speak that you want to sleep with him, and then letting him into your home/bed/vagina.
Even deaf people don't do this, and for good reason. It's creepy!

This dude doesn't even have his own apartment/bed to take you back to. Doesn't that alarm you at all?

Further, the author wants to avoid a situation where you'd have to have a bartender hear you order drinks, and yet he expects you to "sip... drinks in complete silence." Where did those drinks come from? Maybe you should post a CL ad looking for a bartender willing to play this stupid game, too. Or bring your own drinks.

The author thinks this is romantic. You can tell he's a guy because his idea of romance involves a stranger, cuts out all of the talking and incorporates only looks and sex.

The author thinks this is a perfect escape from society's noise. Have you ever been silent in a crowd? All you can hear is society's noise. I'm no Heidegger (or Franzen), but I think the best escape is just being alone.

An Existential Date - m4w - 30

Reply to: pers-305271541@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-04-03, 10:34AM EDT

I have a fantasy that I call an Existential Date, or 'Silent Date'. In it we email pics to one another, but we don't exchange long winded emails. After we both decide there's a possible attraction, we plan to meet somewhere in public like a bar of coffee shop. However, when we meet, we say nothing to one another, not even hello. Rather, we do whatever it takes to avoid any situation that would result in hearing the other's voice - a bartender taking our order, a stranger asking for directions.

We sit across from one another, sipping our drinks in complete silence, a bit nervous and probably congratulating each other for having gotten that far. We probably study each other's body language consciously or unconsciously. Finally, after we've finished our drinks we exchange a sign. If either of us sign "no", we part like friends, perhaps to meet again or perhaps not. If we both sign "yes", we go back to your place. Only after we've been together do we get to hear each other's voice. I can only imagine we'd have an interesting conversation.

I don't know why this situation appeals to me. Perhaps it just seems like the perfect escape from society's noise. And in a strange way somehow romantic.

Me: 6'4", in shape, very good looking, short blond hair (and don't worry, I have a normal voice!)

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