The title of this post leaves unambiguous the desires of its author.
It turns out that sodomy is the ultimate sexual act of trust, and not bondage or unprotected sex or sex with emotional attachment. I learned this from a philosopher who posts about sodomy on craigslist at 830a (just before his commute to work? at the office already? perhaps jobless in a recession for sodomy experts?).
In case you're unfamiliar with "the joy that lies on the other side of convention," I have 7 words for you: The peace that is past the pain. That self explanatory sentence is perhaps the closest thing to divine truth you and I will ever experience. How could you not understand that sentence. It doesn't need a predicate. It just needs an article, a subject, and a clause. And somehow it means something about your butt.
Did you know that pleasure is just a distraction on the way to something higher and deeper? I didn't either, but leave it to an online sex ad for anonymous sodomy to teach me that there's more to life than pleasure.
My absolute fave line comes next: "If you're an atheist, you will get to know God experientially, from being fucked in the ass."
Butt-fucking is quite different. It "offers spiritual resolution -- path to God." This is why the Bible says nothing about butt fucking, because it preserves the very dichotomies that make life on Earth coherent.
Like any good philosophical work, there is the natural voice of the objector. Here said voice is implied, but it asks, "Aren't butts and asses the same thing? What's the difference."The author responds, "The penetration is deeper, more profound, it rides the edge of sanity...."
Well, I don't know what he means by "rides the edge of sanity," unless the edge of sanity is, in fact, the author's penis (think about it). In which case you'd have to be insane not to be all over this man.
At the end, the author puts in white hidden text some key words to be found in a search. They include bondage, lolita, threesome, lonely, hand job and blow job. What do these have to do with Sodomy? The author would tell you, but they'd feed him hemlock if he did.
SODOMY - m4w
Reply to:
Date: 2006-11-20, 8:31AM EST
Sodomy is the ultimate sexual act of trust. You could really get hurt if you resist. But pushing past that fear, by passing through it, lite rally the joy that lies on the other side of convention. The peace that is past the pain.Pleasure alone is mere temporary indulgence, subtle distraction, while on the path to something higher and deeper.
If you're an atheist, you will get to know God experientially, from being fucked in the ass.
Ass-fucking transcends all opposites, all conflicts -- positive and negative, good and bad, high a low, shallow and deep, pleasure and pain, love and death and unifies them renders all one. Butt-fucking offers spiritual resolution -- path to God.
The penetration is deeper, more profound, it rides the edge of sanity....
Please send your body and face pictures For women ONLY
Key Words: submission, domination, bondage, spanking, spank, submissive, kinky, pain slut,BDSM, discipline, punishment, master, slave, top, bottom, safe,anal, ass,naughty, little, lolita,guilt, control, lonely, hung, sodomy, perversion, porn, erotica, sex, couple, threesome, hd, handjob, bj, blow job, doggie, fuck, suck, sm, D/s.
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