Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Beatrix Potter's Original Idea

Any sophisticated Soho poop enthusiast knows the classic tale of Winnie the Poop, the world sweetest bowel movement due to massive consumption of honey.

I myself am more of an Eeyore, happy at all that women notice me.

I just wonder what happens after you poop on this guy's chest? Is the evening then over? Do you eat a lot more in hopes of the joy of doing it again? Come on, let a fella know.

Winnie the POOP - m4w - 24 (SoHo)

Reply to:
Date: 2007-01-03, 2:12AM EST

Any ladies out there who like poop play? You can do it on my chest or just let me watch you. Let a fella know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that guy went to Brown...