I see the Bellobration ads in the subway every morning. They feature this weird looking clown named Bello. He's Swiss, his socks don't match, his suit is comically oversized, and his hair is gelled so high up that he looks perpetually surprised (I'm being kidnapped by elephants... again!?!?)(which I guess is worthy of shock considering the reverse is usually true). I'm guessing there exist people in the world for whom the gross spectacle of the circus is amusing.
The other thing I don't like about Bellobration is that is passes itself off as something new. This isn't just the circus, it's Bellobration! But we all know, it's the same shtick. Oh look, tigers. Oh look, elephants. Oh look, Morgan Stanley is proud to sponsor this dreck.
So the author of this ad buys tickets to this circus for the one day a week he gets custody of his kids from his divorced wife. This guy sounds like a winner already. Further, he buys the tickets for Easter Sunday. Nothing tells kids that I'm a good father who respects the holiest day of the Christian year than tickets to see elephants.
I bet this caught him by surprise, too. He totally had a screaming match on the phone with his ex-wife. "Louanne! I spent $30 on circus tickets." "Kirk, it's Easter Sunday Morning! We'll be in Church!" "Damnit! You can't go the next day? I spent $30!"
So what does this amazing father/Christian do next? Rather than waste $30, this specimen of humanity goes on CL and tries to find a sexual partner to go to the circus with him. True, he recognizes that most competent, adult, online sluts probably don't have plans to attend the circus. But he tries to spin that to his advantage. Beautiful... nay... Bello!
Also, I don't know if you're familiar with dating, but an ideal first date is one where you have the ability to talk/get to know each other. I hope you can shout over circus music, applause, and lion roars.
He makes it clear from the outset that he won't pay for parking, so I hope you have a metrocard/taste for cheapskate deadbeat dads and secondhand circus tickets.
I don't know what he means by "we can both be a little crazy." I think by agreeing to this debacle, you've already hit your recommended daily allowance of crazy. He suggests you dress to impress. Impress whom? The tigers? The clowns in white face paint and oversized pants with fake flowers falling out of the pockets? The author?
Well maybe you should dress nice. After all, it is Easter.
WANT TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.........and we might enjoy the company - m4w - 28
Reply to: pers-306351591@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-04-04, 11:37PM EDT
WANT TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.........and we might enjoy the company
here is the thing....got 3 tickets to see the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Bellobration....got them 4 my kids unfortunantly for Easter sunday their mother wont let them come..... great seats I can pick you up but we going to have to take the train there, parking is sick in the city.....looking for a fun cutie to take on that date and if we click maybe more, hit me up lets chat for a day maybe a drink on friday, I'll be sane as long as you are, but we both can get a little crazy..the show is this sunday at 11am...dress to impress as will I
I'm 28 5'7 150lbs in shape...fun with the right company... pic for pic
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