Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Still on Scandanavian Time

The author of this ad is looking for a professional guy... who is looking for sex on the internet at 6:36am.

She makes two seperate requests for a Brooks Brothers masculine man. I don't know if Brooks Brothers makes spiked leather jackets in Sweden, but in America they mostly make embroidered frills for the foppish elite, so maybe she may be thinking of Abercrombie or maybe even Hanes. At least they had Michael Jordan.

She asks some very reasonable questions:
  1. What kind of man are you? (besides the type looking for sex on the internet)
  2. What do you look like?
  3. Can you explain the American fascination with circumcision?
Maybe I can help with #3. The thing is, most guys in America who are circumcised, didn't pick it. It happened when we were really young and we had no say in the matter. And if you ask us why, we just mutter something about doctors saying it's better. We don't know. Most of us forgot we had foreskin at all, so it's not really a fascination.

I especially love the last sentence, which kind of recaps the whole ad and also gives you her address, in case you're a clean cut professional by day, and a weekend-stubble stalker by night.

Scandinavian Woman for Clean cut, Professional Guy - w4m - 32

Reply to:
Date: 2007-04-10, 6:36AM CDT

Visiting professional woman in search of clean cut/brooks brothers type masculine man for sensual sexual encounter

5'8" 130 lbs, woman that runs daily.
Smaller perky B cup breasts.

Love a clean cut, professional guy with Brooks Brothers looks.
Weekend stubble and walks on the beach are great. Did I mention I love to kiss?

Be disease free, 21-55 years old and a nonsmoker.
Give me some idea of what type of man you are. What do you look like? Can you explain the American fascination with circumcision?What do you like to read? Do shows do you enjoy on TV?

European woman In Chicago for work and staying on N. Mich Ave.

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